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The Creatives caterer


We provide catering services for creative industries in London. Delivering hotboxes, cooking from fresh at our clients kitchen and  driving our popular blue trailer with it’s fully equipped kitchen & chef on location.

We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner catered to your chosen dietary requirements. Our values reflect our fusion inspired menus featuring seasonal flavors and locally sourced produce. We believe strongly in using the best ingredients.


In-house kitchens and restaurants

A well-fed workforce is a more productive workforce, so leave your in-house kitchen or restaurant to us. We will provide you with a personal chef and kitchen team that will cook everything fresh from scratch. This gives you flexibility and really lovely food.

Whether we’re catering for a studio of fifteen or two hundred, we’ll create nutritional dishes that can be scaled up or down depending on numbers. Expect vibrant menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner that keep staff happy. We can also create menus for client-pitches or work events that call for something extra special.


Delivered food

Breakfast, lunches and afternoon tea. All day catering or lunch deliveries. We deliver hot meals made fresh from scratch on the day to give you healthy and hearty,nutritious meals to keep you going all day. Choose a selection from our menu, tell us when you want to eat and we will tailor our menus to suit your crews requirements. We cater for any diet or allergy - gluten and dairy intolerance, vegan diets and Crohn's disease. Please give us notice so we can make sure everyone gets lovely food. Fashion shoots, film sets, office meetings and client pitches, our delicious food to go is the perfect solution. 



It is easy to make a booking, please enquire for  details.

contact: Cissi Hammarborg

Telephone : 07595640403



Konrad Lindholm

Telephone: +44 (0) 7714 325954



Covid 19, we follow government regulations, this is a short summary of how we work.


We ask our clients that

All crew members to wash their  hands for 20 seconds before and after every meal.

Hand sanitizers will be available and should be used before meal times or coffee breaks.

All meals comes in individual portion boxes so there is no cross contamination.

Cutlery comes prepackaged in individual bags.

Crew follow social distancing when collecting food and drinks.


Our team

Temperature checks before every shift. We will be checking and logging temperatures upon arrival to our kitchen and set every morning. Anyone found to have an irregular temperature will be quarantined for 15 mins, have their temperature checked again, and, if still high, will be immediately sent home via private transport.

Staff will bring in and change into clean clothing before the start of every shift

We will disinfect all working areas and equipment  continuously throughout the day,  before  and after use.

Apron, gloves and face covering will be worn while preparing and serving food

Regular handwashing for at least 20 seconds thoroughly with soap and warm water before working with or around food.

It is a legal requirement for every person working in a food handling area to maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and to wear suitable, clean and, where necessary, protective clothing.

Where possible, ensure good ventilation - open doors/windows.

Where possible, use private transport to work every morning.

If you do have to take public transport, observe social distancing measures, wear a face mask and keep high standards of personal hygiene.

If you have ANY of the symptoms at all, do not show up to work. You should contact the NHS and self isolate at home.



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